Sonja Karpf, LL.M.
Garnisongasse 1/22A
1090 Wien, Österreich
+43 677 644 034 88
The object of the company is the profession of lawyer, including the necessary ancillary activities, as well as all transactions and measures which appear necessary or useful in order to achieve the object of the company.
The competent chamber is the Vienna Bar Association. As lawyers under Austrian law, we are subject to the Lawyers' Act (RAO), the Disciplinary Statute for Lawyers and Trainee Lawyers (DSt) as well as the Guidelines for the Practice of Law and for the Supervision of the Duties of Lawyers and Trainee Lawyers (RL-BA), all available at
This website is a communication medium and is intended for clients as well as other persons interested in legal issues. The contents of the website are the presentation of SKA Legal as well as information on current legal topics and issues.
The content of the SKA Legal website is for general information purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. We do not assume any liability for their correctness, completeness and up-to-dateness. SKA Legal also accepts no liability for the content of any linked external websites operated by third parties.
Photos: Martin Valda